Final pillar meeting of the year

It was great seeing so many of you last week for the potluck.
🎁 And thank you all who have signed up for the gift donation drive! As of this morning ALL of the gifts for specific children and adults listed have been pledged! BUT there are still grocery and gift card requests for eight CASA families, and we need help delivering the gifts-- see what we still need here.  The main collection will be this Thursday from 4:30-8pm at the Community Center but if you can't make it, feel free to bring the items to our meeting this Sunday (just let me know).
☕ 🤝 Join us for free hot cocoa this Sunday at 2pm at Clare & Don's, as we learn about demographics in the area and the work of local groups that support vulnerable populations. We'll also wrap the gifts we collected! RSVP here (even if you're just thinking about joining, please let us know soon).
🎥 🚲 Finally, many of you have asked about what our "people-first" pillar means. We'll hopefully have an event on the topic next year, but in the meantime check out this video about how we dedicate our public space-- I've been working on it for the past year and tried to make it as entertaining as possible. Some of you may recognize it as the presentation topic from our meeting last February!